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Overall figures
Akram Khan 6 6 0 136 59 22.66 206 66.01 0 1 0 investigate this query
Aminul Islam 4 4 0 110 37 27.50 184 59.78 0 0 0 investigate this query
Athar Ali Khan 6 6 0 227 82 37.83 372 61.02 0 2 1 investigate this query
Enamul Haque 2 2 0 12 8 6.00 26 46.15 0 0 0 investigate this query
Habibul Bashar 4 4 0 12 6 3.00 33 36.36 0 0 1 investigate this query
Hasibul Hossain 6 6 1 57 21* 11.40 68 83.82 0 0 1 investigate this query
Khaled Mashud 6 6 1 34 12 6.80 86 39.53 0 0 1 investigate this query
Minhajul Abedin 6 5 0 28 18 5.60 98 28.57 0 0 0 investigate this query
Naimur Rahman 3 3 0 55 47 18.33 99 55.55 0 0 1 investigate this query
Saiful Islam 3 1 0 7 7 7.00 9 77.77 0 0 0 investigate this query
Sheikh Salahuddin 6 5 3 24 12 12.00 136 17.64 0 0 0 investigate this query
Mafizur Rahman 3 3 1 37 16 18.50 89 41.57 0 0 0 investigate this query
Zakir Hasan 1 - - - - - - - - - - investigate this query
Jahangir Alam 2 2 0 4 3 2.00 19 21.05 0 0 0 investigate this query
Mohammad Rafique 3 3 0 22 19 7.33 33 66.66 0 0 0 investigate this query
Shahriar Hossain 3 3 0 30 16 10.00 75 40.00 0 0 1 investigate this query
Shafiuddin Ahmed 2 2 1 11 11 11.00 17 64.70 0 0 0 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent One-Day Internationals:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 3rd ODI, Mar 18, 2024 [ODI # 4745]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd ODI, Mar 15, 2024 [ODI # 4744]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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