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Match results
South Africa won 57 runs won 1st ODI v Pakistan Dubai (DICS) 8 Nov 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan lost 6 wickets 10 won 1st T20I v South Africa Abu Dhabi 26 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan lost 8 wickets 63 won 1st ODI v South Africa Abu Dhabi 29 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan lost 2 runs won 2nd ODI v South Africa Dubai (DICS) 2 Nov 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan lost 6 wickets 8 won 1st T20I v South Africa Abu Dhabi 27 Oct 2010 investigate this query
South Africa lost 1 wickets 1 won 1st ODI v Pakistan Abu Dhabi 31 Oct 2010 investigate this query
South Africa lost 1 wickets 1 won 1st ODI v Pakistan Dubai (DICS) 5 Nov 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan draw - won 2nd Test v South Africa Abu Dhabi 20 Nov 2010 investigate this query
South Africa draw - won 1st Test v Pakistan Dubai (DICS) 12 Nov 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan won 1 wickets 1 lost 2nd ODI v South Africa Abu Dhabi 31 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan won 1 wickets 1 lost 2nd ODI v South Africa Dubai (DICS) 5 Nov 2010 investigate this query
South Africa won 6 wickets 10 lost 2nd T20I v Pakistan Abu Dhabi 26 Oct 2010 investigate this query
South Africa won 8 wickets 63 lost 2nd ODI v Pakistan Abu Dhabi 29 Oct 2010 investigate this query
South Africa won 2 runs lost 1st ODI v Pakistan Dubai (DICS) 2 Nov 2010 investigate this query
South Africa won 6 wickets 8 lost 2nd T20I v Pakistan Abu Dhabi 27 Oct 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan lost 57 runs lost 2nd ODI v South Africa Dubai (DICS) 8 Nov 2010 investigate this query
Pakistan draw - lost 2nd Test v South Africa Dubai (DICS) 12 Nov 2010 investigate this query
South Africa draw - lost 1st Test v Pakistan Abu Dhabi 20 Nov 2010 investigate this query
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