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Start of match date less than or equal to 14 Oct 2019 remove less than or equal to 14 Oct 2019 from query
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Overall figures
U.A.E. 1996-2019 48 12 36 0 0 0.333 20.66 4.76 48 297 82 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent relevant matches:
United States of America v Canada at Dallas, ICC Men's T20 World Cup 1st match, Jun 1, 2024 [T20I # 2632]
England v Pakistan at The Oval, 4th T20I, May 30, 2024 [T20I # 2631]
West Indies v South Africa at Kingston, 3rd T20I, May 26, 2024 [T20I # 2630]
Austria v Belgium at Lower Austria, 4th T20I, May 26, 2024 [T20I # 2629]
Romania v Bulgaria at Ilfov County, Continental Cup 3rd place play-off, May 26, 2024 [T20I # 2628]
Austria v Belgium at Lower Austria, 3rd T20I, May 26, 2024 [T20I # 2627]
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